• Dress should be suitable and comfortable for normal school activities and should reflect pride and respect. The following is a list of apparel that we believe are NOT appropriate good grooming standards for school:

    1. Clothing which exposes undergarments, posteriors or private body parts.
    2. Footwear should be appropriate for normal school activities. Shoes should have hard comfortable soles, and back straps. Tennis shoes/sneakers are appropriate. The following are not appropriate: thongs, bedroom slippers, soft-soled leather moccasins, footsies, cleats, and combat or steel-toed boots.
    3. See through blouses, strapless or backless tops.
    4. Sleeveless undershirts worn as an outside garment - muscle shirts, tank tops, camisoles, or spaghetti strap tops.
    5. Clothing that advertises suggestive, derogatory, insulting pictures or writing.
    6. Clothing that refers to any type of drug, alcohol, tobacco or act that is illegal or harmful to one’s health.
    7. Any article of clothing which is in any way suggestive or can be construed to have a “double” meaning that is inappropriate for school.
    8. Apparel with emblems, printing, etc., that creates animosity between groups and/or individuals.
    9. Any article of clothing, hairstyle or wig that attracts undue attention or that is indicative of gang affiliation.
    10. Sagging pants that hang and are worn below the waist.
    11. Shorts, skirts or skorts should be longer then the end of the students palm if their arm is hanging loosely to their side.
    12. Shirts or other tops that expose parts of the upper torso such as stomach, sides, chest, or a large portion of the back.
    13. Hats that are altered or worn other than with the bill forward.
    14. Clothing considered to be gang related will not be accepted.

    In cases of questionable dress, not covered above, the administrations’ decision regarding inappropriate dress will prevail. If a child comes to school in inappropriate attire, parents will be called to bring appropriate clothing for the student. Parental cooperation is expected when home contact is made regarding violations of the established dress code policy. If parental contact is unsuccessful, the child may be asked to turn their shirt inside out, or they may be given a loaner before returning to class.